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I like the banter
I don't like the split format with less banter. It's what made the show magic. I guess there's no way to make it good for everyone.
analysis is generally reasonable, ratio of poker to banter is too small. like i don’t even mind the banter except when it detracts from the analysis, which feels like has happened more frequently of late. five stars for years and years of good content, but i would give it four if i didn’t have the years long sample size.
Could easily be great
The analysis and insights about matters both on and off the felt are top-notch. My only complaint is that the ads for Nitro are not only too long, their length isn’t consistent, so if you want to FF thru them — and who doesn’t?! — it's a little tricky.
Love it
Great poker content. Very open minded in terms of testing out rationale for why plays are made and what alternative lines could be taken. Banter ranges from amusing and entertaining (more often) to occasionally annoying. Keep it up, can always fast forward if I don’t like the direction you’re going. Concerned that the frequency of pods has diminished. Please don’t stop!!
Great show
Great show
Good podcast
The guys seem to do a good job going into some depth on the hand they're reviewing, but have fun with it at the same time.
Amazing podcast
Continue the banter—don’t let the naysayers get to you.
Best two man booth in the podcast game
I started listening years ago when I was looking for a good poker podcast. What’s kept me coming back is the chemistry and banter between Grant and Jonathan. Friends who love each other but frequently disagree is what I’m here for. While it’s not strictly educational, the poker content is good and has helped the way I analyze hands. Croissants, of course.
Too much non poker stuff
Digress too much that it is a torture
Chit Chat
Love listening to you guys, but when you were talking about movies I just wanted to rip Jonathan through the phone and feed him a ton of croissants, because English muffins are clearly better, and I didn’t want to reward him for his crap opinion on action movies. Skyfall is amazing. I am usually team Jonathan, but man you are on thin ice now.
Mixed Feelings
PROS —These are some of the most podcast friendly personalities in all of poker. Better than Joey Ingram, Cracked Aces, etc —The hand breakdowns are very thoughtful and granular CONS —Bloat. Bloat. Bloat. Guys, remember what we’re here for: Hand breakdowns. Not your random stream-of-consciousness tangents and attempts at humor. The ratio of hand breakdowns vs random banter is 50/50 (PLEASE turn it down to 90/10). The main issue is, as a listener, I get so lost and confused because I spent the last 10 minutes listening to an Owen Wilson tangent that I completely lose track of the hand. It’s just bad structure and bad pacing an an audio product. —As a result, the episode is way too long. 45 minutes is insane to invest on one mostly inconsequential hand.
First ever review from a podcast machine
I listen to podcasts probably about 60 hours a week (almost all of them at 2x speed). This is one of the few that I listen to 1.5 speed because I enjoy the episodes that much. I’m currently listening to an episode from august 2020, and decided I had to write a review. These two have the perfect combo of poker and humor ; even the ads are funny. I skip ads on every single podcast and somehow look forward to them on this podcast. Grant and Jonathan are by far the best podcast I listen to and would recommend them to anyone who has even mild interest in poker.
5 stars for the poker strategy, 1 for the first 10 minutes
The hand analyses are great, but skip the first ten minutes of each show. Levy is literally the least funny person on the planet, but he tries really hard to be funny to start every episode....and it is e x c r u c i a t i n g.....
Zoot Suits
Zoot Suits has a revival on the 90s when Big Bad Voodoo Daddy was popular. What the hell are you talking about (for ten minutes)? Love the show.
Very entertaining
Found the show during quarantine, have been crushing old episodes. It’s very good stuff.
Thanks guys!
So appreciate the episodes, especially now. Look forward to my morning runs listening to you guys. I’ve listened to every episode since you guys came on, and just want to thank you for some great stuff. Respect.
So I was looking for a new poker podcast to listen to. I came upon this one and the episode I decided to start with had a appearance. So yes I think it is safe to say I am going to like this one.
A great listen!
High level poker analysis presented by two guys that are having fun and sound like they really love the game.
Great hand analysis and funny too
I enjoy the banter between the hosts. I really enjoy The goofiness of Jonathan and the witty retorts of Grant. The analysis is from 5/10 professionals so most players can learn from it. I think if you are wanting more study, you would be better off reading a book from Jonathan Little. However, this content provides a funny, more chill, form of poker content while learning a thing or two throughout the 45 minutes.
The heroes we need, not the ones we deserve
Some people turn to Batman and Robin. Some go running to Thor and Hawkeye. Me, I turn to the Poker Guys. When my city was plagued by terrible poker plays, the poker guys came to our rescue. We knew that we had but to call out for help and they would bring warm, buttery, flakey goodness to feed us and hard, dry rocks to knock out the competition. But in all seriousness, I’ve been listening to these guys since the beginning and they are the best around. Informative, highly entertaining, and very useful. If you are looking for a classic dynamic duo to improve your poker skills, look no further.
Great Tournament Hands Podcast
Enjoy this podcast and like the thought process on tournament hands. They are lost most of the time on cash game hands but there is still a lot of value there. Entertaining and their balance of each other makes it a worthwhile listen.
A great poker podcast
This is a premier poker podcast—fun, informative, and insightful. It features an entertaining and elite poker analyst in Grant and his prone-to-untethered-fits-of-laughter sidekick Jonathan. Much in the way a bakery might feature the unmatched buttery goodness of their fresh-baked croissants, this podcast is at its strongest in helping you understand how to think about poker hands like a top player. Occasionally, however, like a dry, day-old plastic bag of English muffins that nobody wants even at fire-sale prices, the podcast can go off the rails. Luckily, most of the time this podcast is about as good as it gets. I look forward to the release of each episode almost as much as I admire the inventor of honey mustard flavoring. Thanks for continuing to brighten up my feed.
Fun Poker podcast
I really like the analysis but love the banter. Grantland provides light and flaky commentary while Jon get into the nooks and crannies. Grantland’s work could easily stand alone while Jon’s would be a little plain.
Drifting away from serious poker analysis
If you’re looking for a podcast that is 25% reflection on its own intro sequence, 20% vamping on ads, 18% extemporaneous reviews of movies and baked goods, and (finally) 37% one person who is qualified to analyze poker strategy alternatively correcting and tolerating another person who isn’t, then look no further. If you’re looking to learn about anything other than croissants, then move along. Even an average poker player will learn more in ten minutes with Jonathan Little than six months with these guys. G&J, I used to learn from your podcast. Pour one out for the good ol’ days.
Listened for years and am finally breaking down and writing a review to counteract some dork bots that apparently want to listen to Walter Cronkite do poker strategy. These guys are hilarious and the poker strategy strategy. What do you want, shut up with the passive aggressive 2019 yelp reviews.
Rubs me the right way!
Funny dudes, cool hands, and interesting poker content. If you suggest enough hands you might even make the hall of fame!
Poker Messiahs
Great hand breakdown and plenty of laughs. The only podcast I don’t want to fast forward the adds of cause I know I’ll miss a chuckle or 2
(Insert title here)
I came for the hand breakdowns. I stay for the pure ridiculousness that mirrors the conversations I have with my buddies. Lot of laughs and great analysis.
Great Expertise
Perfect if you are looking for a podcast with more advanced commentary
Fun show
I stumbled onto this show at the start of 2018. Very glad I did! Both guys are funny, keep it light, and offer up a great fun insight to specific hands. I look forward to it weekly, hope they continue to add other casts.....