Patrik Antonius has been crushing the highest stakes for decades without reading a single poker book. Does he just understand spots like this better than anyone else? BLINDS: $1k/$2k/$4k Ni(BB) :KdKc/($800k) Antonius(S):10h4...
Jesse Lonis makes some borderline disrespectful decisions against Patrik Antonius. Can the OG put him in his place? BLINDS:50k/100k Antonius(HJ)Ac5s/(4.8m) Lonis(D)Ah8c/(2.7m) Flop:Jc6c3s Turn:Kc River:Qs Our NEW PODCAST: ht...
And he's doing weird shit. Check out this play he made against Patrik Antonius. BLINDS:$200/$400 Antonius(+1):9h8h/$160k Curtis(MP)7h7c/$137k Garret(D): As10s/$654k Flop:3h8c4s Turn:6h River:5c Our NEW PODCAST: https://pod...