Deep in the Main Event, Kristen Foxen finds a non-believer. BLINDS: 125k/250k Foxen(MP) :JcJd/(11m) TomasBB:As8h/(15m) Flop:4dQd2c Turn:10s Join our Discord server and get in on the conversation about this hand and other pok...
We're back! We discuss two hands from the final two tables of the Main that have everyone talking: A surprising fold from Jonathan Tamayo and a surprising shove from Kristen Foxen.
The Mythical Play. So Mythical. Does Kid Poker really pull it off? Should he? Against HER??? BLINDS:40k/80k Negreanu(BB):3s2h/(1.45m) Foxen(D/SB)8c7c/(6m) Flop:9h9s3c Turn:Ks River:Kd Our NEW PODCAST:
In a PokerGo Cup tourney, Foxen makes an ambitious play in a blind v blind spot. BLINDS:10k/20k Zobian(SB):Jd7s/(1.39m) Foxen(BB)AcQh/(1.085m) Flop:Jh3d4d Turn:10c River:8s Our NEW PODCAST: