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Hustler Live Episodes

Dec. 19, 2024

The Breakdown: Wesley is Back—But Is He Telling the Right Story?

In a high stakes Hustler Casino Live hand, Wesley makes a big play with the nut blocker, but did he tell himself the right story? BLINDS $100/$200/$400 straddle King Henry (BTN): Td8d ($421k) Wesley (BB): JhJd ($2.7m) Flop: T...
Dec. 12, 2024

The Breakdown: Did Wesley Make This Cooler Worse?

In a high stakes Hustler Casino Live hand, Wesley flops a monster, but he finds trouble by the river. Is this just a massive cooler or did he end up making it even worse for himself? BLINDS $100/$200/$200 Bobo (+1): 7d2d ($22...
Nov. 21, 2024

The Breakdown: Henry Cashes in On a Big Bluff

In a Hustler Live cash session Henry makes a big move against Cash's made flush. Cash is left to figure out if his once promising hand still holds up. BLINDS $25/$50/$100(Straddle) Henry (CO): As9c ($43k) Mike X (SB): ATo ($...